News from the Company

Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024

Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024 Our Archives show that 25th March 1971 was the last time the Company visited Butchers Hall in Bartholomew Close more frequently known…

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September News Update

10th July – College of Arms   A few members gathered at the College for a comprehensive explanation of how the College works and operates. The College of Arms is…

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Glass Sellers and GGF delegation visits Glass Futures!

Brian Scott-Picton, Chair of the Glass Committee at the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers, joined fellow liverymen John Agnew (Managing Director, GGF) and Dave Fordham (Global Engagement Lead, Glass Futures) and members of…

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STOURBRIDGE GLASS MUSEUM CHARITY AUCTION – Saturday, 14th September 2024 at 14.00pm On September 14th, between 10.30am and 16.30pm, Stourbridge Glass Museum opens its doors for Heritage Open Day. As part…

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The Master and Mistress at Home in Kent

Continuing the theme of Friendship, Camaraderie, and Fun, the Master Glass Seller, David Wilkinson, and Mistress Glass Seller, Mandy Wilkinson, hosted a BBQ at Home in Kent on Saturday, 10th,…

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Phyllis Court – Thursday 8th August 2024

Members of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London also joined the Reunion des Gastronomes at the Gastronomes President’s kind invitation. While some escape to sunnier climes at this…

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Summer 2024 – News Update

Engaging with our Affiliates  City of London and North East Sector Army Cadet Force   The Master, Mistress, the Clerk and Past Master John Poulten attended the Visitors Day at…

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International Year of Glass 2024 – British Glass Biennale

The International Festival of Glass, which takes place every two years in Stourbridge, is the only festival celebrating glass in the UK. The creative program of activities combines the whole spectrum of…

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CGS Exhibition – New Horizons

Contemporary Glass Society: “New Horizons.” Exhibition at the Stourbridge Glass Museum  Contemporary Glass Society: “New Horizons.” Exhibition at the Stourbridge Glass Museum  13th July to 17th November 2024     Liveryman and Past…

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Members in the News – Master David Wilkinson on Bargain Hunt

  Master Glass Seller, David Wilkinson – David is today known as one of the leading authorities in antique chandeliers and historic lighting and has had the opportunity to work…

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