News from the Company

Court – Evensong and Livery Dinner – June 2024

The Guilds or Livery’s have developed over many years and carry ancient rights and traditions dating back to their founding and the Glass Sellers having been established in the 17th…

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Glass News – June 2024

Glass News – June 2024 CLICK HERE __________________________________________________________________________________ New Alan J. Poole Promoting British & Irish Contemporary Glass. British & Irish Contemporary Glass Newsletter. 43 Hugh Street, London SW1V 1QJ.…

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Highlight of The Masters Year May 2024 “The Masters’ Jolly”

One of the highlights of the Master’ year of office is the Annual Weekend for members and partners of the Company. This year was no exception as some 60 Glass…

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Glass News – May 2024

Glass News – May 2024   GlassCuts The Journal of the British Glass Foundation the Voice of Stourbridge Glass Museum GlassCuts Edition 244 GlassCuts 244 Supplement Arts Council England -o0o-…

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Members Visiting Soho

The recent Members Supper Night took us to Soho. 30 members gathered at Soho Fire Station the oldest Fire Station in London and the busiest in Western Europe. We were…

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Members in the News – Hon. Freeman Allister Malcolm.

A glass-making studio has switched to using electric and renewable energy after seeing its annual gas bills increase by more than £70,000. Glass artist Allister Malcolm said the energy crisis…

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Members in the News – Dave Fordham

Liveryman, Court Assistant, Dave Fordham has joined the Glass Futures Team! With over three decades of experience in the glass industry and a deep passion for innovation and sustainability. Dave’s…

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Members in the News – John Agnew, GGF Managing Director

Glass ans Glazing Federation Managing Director becomes a Freeman of The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers GGF Managing Director John Agnew (second from right) with fellow Glass Sellers Dave Fordham…

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Annual Ravenscroft Lecture – 19th February 2024 – The Legacy of George Ravenscroft

The Company gathered at Glaziers Hall in February for the Annual Ravenscroft Lecture – “The Legacy of George Ravenscroft” This 2024 marks the 350th Anniversary since a group of Glass…

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BBC Start the Week – Made out of Glass

Our Honorary Member, Professor John M. Parker, recently took part in a BBC podcast about glass.

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