The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers
 07596 418127


Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024

Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024 Our Archives show that 25th March 1971 was the last time the Company visited Butchers Hall in Bartholomew Close more frequently known these days as 87 Barts Close. The Hall has recently been refurbished and echoes its historical past with a modern…...

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September News Update

10th July – College of Arms   A few members gathered at the College for a comprehensive explanation of how the College works and operates. The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and much of the Commonwealth including Australia and New Zealand.  …...

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Glass Sellers and GGF delegation visits Glass Futures!

Brian Scott-Picton, Chair of the Glass Committee at the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers, joined fellow liverymen John Agnew (Managing Director, GGF) and Dave Fordham (Global Engagement Lead, Glass Futures) and members of the GGF management team for a tour of the165,000 square foot Innovation Centre in St Helens where an industrial scale…...

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Phyllis Court – Thursday 8th August 2024

Members of the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London also joined the Reunion des Gastronomes at the Gastronomes President’s kind invitation. While some escape to sunnier climes at this time of the year, those left at home to enjoy a glorious English Summer. Sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunshine, and even…...

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Summer 2024 – News Update

Engaging with our Affiliates  City of London and North East Sector Army Cadet Force   The Master, Mistress, the Clerk and Past Master John Poulten attended the Visitors Day at City of London and North-East Sector (COLNES) Army Cadet Force Visitors Day on 31st July at the Sector Headquarters at Whipps…...

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International Year of Glass 2024 – British Glass Biennale

The International Festival of Glass, which takes place every two years in Stourbridge, is the only festival celebrating glass in the UK. The creative program of activities combines the whole spectrum of glassmaking with other art forms to push boundaries and develop new opportunities, ideas, and collaborations for makers, artists, and performers.…...

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Members in the News – Master David Wilkinson on Bargain Hunt

  Master Glass Seller, David Wilkinson – David is today known as one of the leading authorities in antique chandeliers and historic lighting and has had the opportunity to work on some very adventurous projects, including the restoration of the crystal roof for the Reform Club, London, which involved the…...

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The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers Doodle Competition for primary students

Phew, if ever a title said it all then here it is. Ah, but to hang a bit of meat on the bones, for anyone not familiar with Allister Malcolm’s Doodles initiative, let’s add a bit more to the mix with his latest intriguing variant, which is being supported by…...

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Court – Evensong and Livery Dinner – June 2024

The Guilds or Livery’s have developed over many years and carry ancient rights and traditions dating back to their founding and the Glass Sellers having been established in the 17th century have their own, governed by a Charter and Book of Ordinances. Having recently made references to our ‘Glass Sellers…...

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Glass News – June 2024

Glass News – June 2024 CLICK HERE __________________________________________________________________________________ New Alan J. Poole Promoting British & Irish Contemporary Glass. British & Irish Contemporary Glass Newsletter. 43 Hugh Street, London SW1V 1QJ. ENGLAND. Tel: (00 44) 020 7821 6040. Email:   British & Irish Contemporary Glass Newsletter. A monthly newsletter listing…...

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