The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers
 07596 418127

Glass Sellers Master

Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024

Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024 Our Archives show that 25th March 1971 was the last time the Company visited Butchers Hall in Bartholomew Close more frequently known these days as 87 Barts Close. The Hall has recently been refurbished and echoes its historical past with a modern…...

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Members in the News – Master David Wilkinson on Bargain Hunt

  Master Glass Seller, David Wilkinson – David is today known as one of the leading authorities in antique chandeliers and historic lighting and has had the opportunity to work on some very adventurous projects, including the restoration of the crystal roof for the Reform Club, London, which involved the…...

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