Founding CEO, Richard Katz, is appointed President. Richard Katz, the first Glass Futures employee in January 2020, has been appointed President and will continue to work closely with the new government to help them understand how Glass Futures’ research, development and innovation enables growth, particularly with reference to identifying what…...
Glass Sellers and GGF delegation visits Glass Futures!
Brian Scott-Picton, Chair of the Glass Committee at the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers, joined fellow liverymen John Agnew (Managing Director, GGF) and Dave Fordham (Global Engagement Lead, Glass Futures) and members of the GGF management team for a tour of the165,000 square foot Innovation Centre in St Helens where an industrial scale…...
Summer 2024 – News Update
Engaging with our Affiliates City of London and North East Sector Army Cadet Force The Master, Mistress, the Clerk and Past Master John Poulten attended the Visitors Day at City of London and North-East Sector (COLNES) Army Cadet Force Visitors Day on 31st July at the Sector Headquarters at Whipps…...