The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers
 07596 418127

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Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024

Court & Livery Dinner – 25th September 2024

Our Archives show that 25th March 1971 was the last time the Company visited Butchers Hall in Bartholomew Close more frequently known these days as 87 Barts Close. The Hall has recently been refurbished and echoes its historical past with a modern elegance, light and spacious.

It is fascinating how an update of an archive is enacted at the desk, and history pops up once again. The contribution and commitment by members of the Company over the years has always been amazing. The time given by Honorary Liveryman Edgar Mobbs collating the Archives is just a point.

Recording the Dinner hosted at Butchers Hall, 25th September 2024 and looking at brief notes of the Court Meeting 25th March 1971, Past Clerk and Past Master Liveryman Philip Willoughby made his declaration as a Freeman, starting his journey with the Company. Philip was a partner at Clark Battams. He served as Asst. Clerk 1972 – 1976 and Hon. Clerk until 1989. He was President of the City Livery Club, Chief Commoner 1996. He is also a Member of the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers.  (Just a little snippet we have shared.)

The business of the day started with the quarterly Court Meeting discussing the affairs of the Company and reporting to the Court. Numerous subjects were discussed though the importance of the September gathering is to elect the new officers for the forthcoming year.  We can report with delight that the Installation Dinner 10th December will see the following installed.


James Armitage, BSc (Hons), MEng

Prime Warden

Matthew Demmon, MSc CEng FSGT

Renter Warden

David Hinton, FCA

Master’s Assistant

Oliver Charles

 Assistants to the Court

De Bradshaw FRICS

Brian Scott Picton

Richard Gundle

Ed Adshead Grant

Lay Members of the Court:

Mark Holford

Dilip Patel

Jing Aarons


Paul Wenham, FHCMA

Assistant Clerk

Kerry Hamer-Nel


David Hinton FFA


Anthony Parker

Assistant Beadle

Bradley Drake

Thanks were extended to Court Assistant, Dave Fordham, who had served three years. It was also noted that Past Master Peter Rawlinson was standing down as Chairman of the Succession and Appointments Committee and warm thanks were also extended to him.

The Court and Company were delighted to welcome two new Freeman who made their declarations.

Darren Lad

Andrew Broskom

Additional business of the day proposed by the Master, David Wilkinson, was to invite Past Master and Honorary Liveryman Philip Feather to accept the title of ‘Father of the Company’, recognizing his long membership and service. Philip accepted the title and was later given a new insignia for his office.

Past Master Brian Rawles had proposed at the Court Workshop in August that Assistant Clerk Kerry Hamer Nel be recognised by the Company for her loyal service by awarding her Honoris Causa – Honorary Liveryman status. The Court agreed unanimously, and Kerry was summoned to the Court to be advised of their decision.

We were then delighted that Freeman Annie Hewes attended to make her declaration and be ‘clothed’ in our Livery. Annie has made a joyful contribution to the Company and was wished many happy years to come.

After the day’s business concluded, it was time to adjourn and attend the evening reception. Glasses of sparkling wine tickled our palates in anticipation of the evening’s fare. Members and guests arrived.

Chief Steward Linda Raven greeted everyone on arrival. The Company Guests included the Master Constructor, Master Environmental Cleaner, and Clerk, as well as the Master Painter, Stainer, and Clerk. The Deputy Head of Keyboard Studies, Pamela Lidiard, from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, had just retired. Pamela has assisted with the Glass Sellers Beethoven Piano Prize for several years and will be missed.

As the time passed and the noise of chitter chatter was broken by the Beadle calling us to ascend to the Great Hall where Dinner was about to be served. Some taking the stairs and others making use of the lift to the second floor. Everyone found their places and stood in anticipation of the cry to welcome the Master, Wardens, Clerk and Principle Guests. The room erupted in the customary steady rhythmic clapping as the procession made their way to the top table of the room. The Beadle announced silence for the Chaplain who would say Grace.

The gathering sat and the master rose to address the room. Welcoming everyone he declared that Past Master, Honorary Liveryman, Philip Feather had been made ‘Father of the Company’

Kerry Hamer Nel was invited to make her declaration as Liveryman Honoris Causa and was ‘clothed’ in Livery. The our new Freeman Darren Lad and Andrew Broskorm were presented to the Company as also was Annie Hewes our newest Liveryman.


Dinner commenced. A Bruschetta of heritage tomato marinated with extra virgin olive oil, garlic, and basil with sourdough crispy shards, pesto homemade mayo and buffalo mozzarella complimented with a Hillville Road, Chardonnay 2021. Next Roasted guinea fowl with pommes puree, bordelaise jus, and roasted baby root vegetables paired with a Gruffetto Montepulciano 2021. Then, White chocolate and Scottish raspberry profiteroles. Coffee and Gourmandises were served later.

The guests were bidden to rise and sing Grace followed by the passing of the Loving Cup

With the usual flurry of arms and merriment.

Now more formally, order was called as the Master rose ‘The King’ the anthem sung – glasses were raised. Queen Camilla, The Prince and Princess of Wales, and other Members of the Royal Family. The Lord Mayor, the City of London Corporation.

The guests were welcomed by Liveryman Peter Christopher Ohrt – members rose to the toast ‘The Guests’ The response followed.

A bare-footed Andy McConnel took to his feet and traversed the room regaling us with his usual wit and humour – returning to his seat he asked the room to rise and to drink the toast

‘To the Glass Sellers Company and Health to the Master’

The Master then rose addressing the room with his thoughts now that nine months of his tenure had passed by. He expressed his thanks to all those that had been working on behalf of the Company mentioning members of the Company in particular and updating all on some of the activities that he and the Mistress had been undertaking. The final toast of the evening ‘TO GLASS’

The Beadle hailed to make way for the Master and requested that he may be joined by partaking of a stirrup cup before departing.

And so the evening ended in happy merriment – new friendships made, others rekindled till we were summoned to meet once again, we drifted out into the evening air in all directions making our way homewards.





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