The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers
 07596 418127

Our news

September News Update

10th July – College of Arms


A few members gathered at the College for a comprehensive explanation of how the College works and operates. The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and much of the Commonwealth including Australia and New Zealand.


As well as being responsible for the granting of new coats of arms, the College maintains registers of arms, pedigrees, genealogies, Royal Licences, changes of name, and flags. The heralds, besides having ceremonial duties, advise on all matters relating to the peerage and baronetage, precedence, honours and ceremonial as well as national and community symbols including flags.

Coats of Arms

Coats of arms belong to specific individuals and families and there is no such thing as a coat of arms for a family name. From their origins in the twelfth century to the present-day arms have been borne by individuals, and by corporate bodies, as marks of identification. They have also been used to denote other characteristics, which have changed over the centuries as society and culture have evolved. Since the fifteenth century, new coats of arms have been granted to individuals and corporate bodies by the senior heralds in Royal service, the Kings of Arms.

Do read their website to understand more of the history

We will certainly be taking another group in the near future.

16th July Members Night

A new venue for us at Cote Brasserie, St. Pauls. A private room with round tables nicely candlelit providing an interesting atmosphere. Our speaker Greg Moore, Deputy Town Clerk of the Corporation of London.

As Deputy Town Clerk, his responsibilities include overseeing the co-ordination of political and policy advice to the City Corporation’s elected Members and senior staff leaders and supporting the organisation’s decision-making processes. Greg helps to lead the organisation’s Governance and Member Services section, which supports more than 500 political decision-making meetings each year. He also manages the programme and private offices of the Lord Mayor and the City Corporation’s de-facto political leader, the Chairman of the Policy & Resources Committee. The Deputy Town Clerk role includes oversight of the organisation’s Strategic Security & Resilience service, helping to protect the City, ensuring business continuity, and recovery. In the position Greg will supervise the City Corporation’s responsibilities as a police authority to maintain a safe and secure City; Corporate Health & Safety; and services for the wider Town Clerk and Chief Executive’s department. The Deputy Town Clerk, alongside the City Corporation’s full leadership Team, is key to delivering the commitments in the organisation’s five-year Corporate Plan, which was launched in March. The Plan is designed to ensure the City Corporation focuses on its ambition to be a world-class organisation that fully embraces the needs and diversity of the communities it serves.


Greg joined the City Corporation as an administrative assistant in 2009 and has progressed through the organisation working in a number of different roles, including as the Interim Deputy Town Clerk. Outside of his time at the City Corporation, Greg also has local authority and charity sector experience, particularly in the governance field. From a long line of Londoners and local authority workers, Greg has strong connections with London and the City in particular, having gone to a school with Livery Company links.

Hi vibrant address of just 35 mins gave us a speedy history of the City over the past 2000 years to present day. A short Q & A session took place though he continued to answer questions during the rest of the evening. Supper was served – two courses and salad starter and Chicken Escalope with Frits and a Wild Mushroom Sauce. Drinks were taken at members leisure and the evening finished at 21.30 hours and on time. All concluded a very informative and enlightening Part 1 of the ‘Tales of the City’

Membership Committee

Chairman – Ed Adshead-Grant

The newly formed Committee that first gathered in May 2024 has been piecing together their strategy and researching avenues to explore. There have been some innovations that will be filtered through to the membership over the coming months. The team is vibrant and enthusiastic reflecting the drive to recruit members. As an ‘Open Livery’ members do not have to be associated directly with Glass. An interest in the material whether it be imbibing, collecting or an interest in supporting the Company’s Philanthropy and maintaining the traditions and history of the City of London. Our fellowship and camaraderie is a core of our being with the opportunity of giving back to needy causes and celebrating the legacy of the Livery movement.


It was a joy to note and celebrate the recent 60th Wedding Anniversary of Past Master, Liveryman, Professor John Whiteman, and Liveryman Caroline Whiteman, both of whom have contributed much to the Company over many years.

Liveryman Jenny Madelin Nathan MBE


The Company was saddened to learn of the passing of Liveryman Jenny Nathan following a short illness.

16.04.1943 – 12.08.2024 (81)

Freeman: 22.09.2005

Liveryman: 08.12.2005

Court Member: 09.12.- 12.12.2013.

Jenny was married to Liveryman Michael Nathan, who had, up until his passing Sunday 9th November 2020  had been ‘Father of the Company’. Jenny was a stalwart supporter of her community and was involved in many charitable activities. I vibrant and active contributor to the Glass Sellers over the years and particularly supportive of the Glass Engraving Community together with Michael.

She will be missed by many members of the Company.

International Glass Festival and British Biennale 2024

The Master, Mistress, Chairman of the Charity Fund Trustees and Fellow Trustees

Mark Holford, Paul Wenham, Past Masters Barbara Beadman and Richard Katz gathered in Stourbridge on Thursday 29th August to judge the British Biennale 2024 exhibits and to award the Glass Sellers Arts and Craft Award 2024 First Prize and Runner Up and the Student Prize and Runner Up.

The panel concurred that the exhibits were of high quality and to award

two runner-up prizes

Glass Sellers Arts and Craft Award 2024

Winner: Vic Bamforth and Darren Weed


Runner up: Tim Rawlinson and Charlie Burke

Glass Sellers Arts and Craft Student Award 2024

Winner: Aria Kiani

Runner Up: Anthony Amoaka Attah

All the winners are to be congratulated. They will attend the Glass Sellers Annual Banquet at the Mansion House in late October when they will be presented with their awards from the Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers of London.

2nd September Members Night

This time we gathered at the Private Member’s Dining Room at the Guildhall and the question – ‘How do you process thousands of bottles or cans per minute’ That would be the whole package – arrival empty, filling, capping and packing.

You ask Matt Gannon, Managing Director of Brewpack Ltd. our speaker for the evening. Matt took us through the whole process. The difficulties that have to be addressed and also highlighted some of the problems of recycling bottles and how sometimes problems arise due to glass bottle not always being identically the same. There was also a parly between Liveryman Paul McLavin of the O-I Glass Manufacturing Group.

The Cook & the Butler provided an excellent Buffet Supper of Beef and Salmon with Salads, Dessert and Cheeses


Mistress’s Tea – Wednesday 4th September 2024

Mistress Mandy Wilkinson and Lady Mayoress Elisabeth Mainelli

The Mistress, Glass Seller Mandy Wilkinson hosted an ‘Afternoon Tea’ at the Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall. The fare consisted of the usual afternoon delicacies and of course ‘’bubbles’’. A collection of other Livery Mistress’s and Members of the Company delighted in hearing stories of Royal Life delivered by Royal Butler, Harold Brown.

All attendees declared a wonderful afternoon and funds raised were for the benefit of the Glass sellers Charity.

Members in the News

Liveryman Piers Northam

Liveryman Piers Northam was ordained Deacon by the Bishop of Chelmsford in Chelmsford Cathedral on Sunday 8 September 2024.

Piers is the son of Past Master Paul Northam (Master 1992/93) and nephew of Past Master Pierrepont Northam (Master 1984/85).


Master David Wilkinson at the start of the Annual Magical Taxi Ride to Disneyland Paris


Master David Wilkinson and Mistress Mandy Wilkinson
Celebrating their Wedding Anniversary at the Annual Sheep Drive

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