The Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers
 07596 418127

Our news

Court – Evensong and Livery Dinner – June 2024

The Guilds or Livery’s have developed over many years and carry ancient rights and traditions dating back to their founding and the Glass Sellers having been established in the 17th century have their own, governed by a Charter and Book of Ordinances.

Having recently made references to our ‘Glass Sellers Family’ perhaps a more modern take on the original foundation of the early guild that grew out of a parish fraternal organisation, where numerous members of the same trade lived nearby, often assembling at the same church.

As our Ordinances dictate ‘A Quarter Court Day be called immediately before the Feast of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist’ (24th June)

The calling was made, and the Court gathered at Painter-Stainers Hall in Little Trinity Lane on Tuesday 18th June 2024 to conduct the business of the day as required and received reports from the sub-committees and working groups. The Court was delighted to welcome and witness the declaration as a Freemen of Prof. Alistair Cormack.


Later in the day, a parade of Members of the Court and Livery led by the Beadle and Company Banner walked to St James Garlickhythe for Evensong.

The service was conducted by the Company Chaplain, Revd. Stephen Baxter and commenced with the hymn Come down, O Love divine, accompanied by Glass Sellers Liveryman, Past Master, Past Lord Mayor, Alderman Dr. Sir Andrew Parmley at the organ and we were delighted to be welcomed by the newly installed Rector, Revd Canon Anthony Howe MA FSA. The Choir of St James provided the choral accompaniments. The Renter Warden, Matthew Demmon read the first lesson, and the Master, David Wilkinson read the second. After the service, the congregation gathered on the forecourt and were then rallied by the Beadle to return to Painter-Stainers Hall for the evening reception.

Members were greeted and welcomed by the hall staff – and were then received by the Master and Renter Warden in the customary way. Glasses of sparkling Cava were offered together with alternatives as conversation abounded, Liverymen, Freemen, and Guests re-engaging or introducing each other. The Beadle called for places to be taken as dinner was about to be served. Members taking their places were entertained by the 2023 Guildhall School of Music and Drama, Glass Sellers Beethoven Piano Prize Winner, Jeremy Chan.

Once the Master had taken his place, Grace was said by the Company Chaplain. The attendees were welcomed. Our new Freeman was presented to the Company. Then the Master proceeded to advise the room that at the Court meeting in March at Cutlers Hall the Court had elected Past Archivist and Liveryman, Edgar Mobbs to be awarded the title of Honorary Liveryman in recognition of all the work he had undertaken for over 14 years consolidating the archives and history of the Company which were now available on the Internet.

Onwards the evening ran to the Fare being provided. Duck Breast Salad, Orange, Pine Kernels and Dandelion accompanied by Caves des Roches, Cotes de Gascogne – then Canon of Lamb, Lamb Shoulder, Potato Terrine, Cumin infused Carrot Puree, Buttered Spinach – Bric di Bersan Dolcetto, Piemonte, Italy – Summer Berry Eton Mess, Peppermint Meringue, Strawberry and Basil Sorbet – Chateau Audinet, Sauternes 2020 – Coffee and Gormandises.

The room was called to stand and partake in the singing of Grace accompanied by Jeremy Chan, then the toasts. The ‘King’ – The ‘Queen Camilla The Prince and Princess of Wales and other Members of the Royal Family’ – The Lord Mayor and the City of London Corporation. A small break and the passing of the Loving Cup.

Announcements were made declaring the winners of this quarter’s 200 Club.

Company guests were welcomed by Liveryman and Lay Assistant Richard Gundle. The Master Glover, Clive Grimley – The Master Needlemaker Michael Foulkes and Clerk, Fiona Sedgwick – The Master Spectacle Maker, Elizabeth Shilling and Clerk Helen Perkins. The guest speaker was past Clerk of the Chamberlains Court, Murray Craig.  The welcomes continued with the father of Liveryman Vanessa Cutlers’ father celebrating his 80th birthday. Numerous members guests including a large contingent of the Masters’ Company, Wilkinson Co. The room rose to the toast ‘The Guests’

Murray Craig stood to respond – articulated, witty anecdotes and stories of City life and experiences ensued with a final raising of a red card as time was up – the room bid to rise and to drink to the ‘Health of the Glass Sellers Company and the Health of The Master’


The Master rose. Thanks, extended to the Caterers, the Clerk’s Office, and contributors to the evening. A few ‘parish notes and updates on engagements undertaken and the room asked to rise and drink ‘To Glass’

The Beadle announced that the Master invited all to partake of a ‘Stirrup Cup’ before departing and invited them to join him in the courtroom downstairs.

The evening had ended – time for ‘goodbyes and see you next time’ out into the summer evening to head to homes local and far.

Today 111 companies play a significant part in the life of the City of London, not least by providing charitable giving and networking opportunities. Liverymen retain voting rights for the senior civic offices such as the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City Corporation a somewhat unique part of the city governance.

Our Family is growing in membership and knowledge. Recently, a relatively new member who joined following his father’s passing shared some of his book collection. The Glass Sellers—17th Century History—oh my!

It is all so intoxicating.